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Drawing & Painting I Syllabus

Ms. Coffin


Prerequisite: Studio Art

Drawing and Painting I is a course for students with a specific interest in drawing and painting designed to introduce students to looking at, critiquing and producing drawings of a variety of styles, subject matter and media. In this one semester course various styles and techniques are explored through work with contour, value, gesture, portraiture, and perspective amongst others. Students will learn various media such as pencil, pen and ink, charcoal, pastels and acrylics. Drawing processes include contour drawing, shading, perspective, proportion, and various brushwork techniques. Methods range from representational to abstract. Elements of art and Principles of design are taught throughout the course. Students will study art history, art criticism, and aesthetics throughout the course. The theme of this semester will connect directly to your English course and understanding how different worlds and environments are created and the role of the artist within them. We will look at art as a vehicle for social change and learn to think critically about the nature of our own world and the world beyond. Sketchbook assignments will be given regularly as homework and class work assignments and a completed sketchbook will be collected at the end of the semester. The major emphasis of this course is on drawing with a painting unit included in the semester.



-Pencil (must be brought to class daily)

-Folder specifically for Drawing & Painting

-Sketchbook that opens from the side (like a book) with plain, white drawing paper containing no lines (Sketchbooks and related materials can be found at Pearl Paint, Utrecht, or any related art supply store)



Students will:

-Build and refine observation skills

-Utilize learned critical thinking techniques

-Integrate aesthetic judgment into everyday life

-Learn about contemporary art as well as periods in Art History

-Understand and identify the Elements of Art & Principles of Design

-Experiment with a wide variety of drawing media and painting techniques

-Think critically about how individuals function within their worlds and the impact that art has on social change.


Textbooks: How to Draw What You See. Rudy De Reyna

Instructions, assignments, presentations, and notes will be given to students through out the semester.



1. Keep a sketchbook. This will be your weekly homework assignment. This will also contain notes taken on reading assignments, lectures, films and demonstrations. Your sketchbook will be a work in progress that we will discuss in the first unit.

2. Be present and on time for class, participate in discussions and critiques, make efficient use of class time.

3. Complete all sketches, worksheets, homework, and assignments in a timely manner.

4. Be responsible for tools, supplies, and studio work area.


Grading Policy:

Grading will be done on a points-system / with each type of assignment worth a distinct number of points. Emphasis will always be placed on writing and larger scale assignments:

·      Projects = 100 points each

·      Tests/Exams = 100 points each

·      Sketchbook = 50 points

·      Quizzes = 15-30 points each (depending on length)

·      Classwork = 5 points each

·      Homework = 5 points each (homework will include reading quizzes)


Due Dates: Students will be given adequate time to complete each assignment. Assignments not turned in on time will receive a 10 point deduction in grade each day it is late. Unfinished work will receive only partial credit.


Make-Up Work: Upon returning to school following an absence it is the student’s responsibility to contact the teacher, in order to request make up work. Students with an excused absence, per the office, have the number of days they were absent to makeup an assignment. Make up work will be done outside of class time either in the mornings, after school or at home. Open studio hours will also be available, hours TBD.

Rules and Protocols:

  • 5 latenesses equals one school detention
  • School policy requires that all electronic devices be checked in at the front door, there will be no electronics of any kind allowed in the classroom at any time.
  • All work must be neat / clean and presentable
  • All materials provided by the art department must be returned before the end of class unless otherwise instructed
  • Each student is responsible for his / her own property and all valuables should be kept in backpacks, purses, lockers etc.
  • No student is allowed to wear any clothing other than the assigned uniform
  • One student may use the restroom at a time without exception
  • Every student must be respectful of the materials provided by the art department as well as other student’s use of these materials
  • Each class is responsible for cleaning the art room before the end of each period
  • No cursing or inappropriate language is acceptable in the classroom
  • No student may touch another students work without permission
  • All work must be stowed in your designated area or it will be tossed

Drawing and Painting 1 Course Outline


Unit 1: Introduction to drawing techniques and composition

· Techniques include:

Line quality, Contour, Cross-contour, Hatching, Cross-hatching, Tonal shading, Stippling, Scumbling, Smudging, Positive/ Negative design

· Use of the principles of design to create compositions

· Drawing from observation

· Upside down drawing

· Sketchbook is used to brainstorm, research, and explore personal answers to questions such as: What is drawing?, What is the role of drawing in society?

· Analyze and critique artist’s drawings bases on concepts, communication of meaning, and technique.


Unit 2: Value to model form; developing depth and composition

· Composition studies through thumbnail sketches using a viewfinder

- Creating accurate shapes though structural sketching

· Charcoal reduction

· Relates own work to that of major artists

· Sketchbook reflections and research

· Composition test


Unit 3: Transitioning to color to model form

· Drawing into painting

· Emphasis on value and color to model form

· Acrylic painting techniques

· Sketchbook reflections and research


Unit 4: Visual perspective drawing: representing depth on a picture plane

· Concepts of linear and atmospheric perspective to portray three dimensional space on a two dimensional surface

· Drawing from observation using methods to observe and record accurate proportions such as: measuring proportional relationships, sighting, blocking in basic forms, and drawing negative spaces

· Compare and contrast perspective systems from different cultures

· Sketchbook reflections and research

· Perspective test


Unit 5: Gesture drawing into developed drawing

· Movement and/or mass are emphasized in quick sketches that explore expressive mark-making

· More sustained drawings are developed while keeping the energy of the gesture

· Gestural drawings by traditional and contemporary artists are analyzed

· Sketchbook reflections and research

· Journal reflection on semester’s growth and development

· Final exam